Gap Analysis
Assess Your Current State and Prioritise Next Steps for Your Psychosocial Safety Strategy
If you need to understand what you already have in place to support workplace mental health and what you need to do next to improve, a gap analysis is a valuable activity.
Trusted partner of leading organisations
Deeper Insights
Understand Gaps and Opportunities Against Different Frameworks
FlourishDx offers many gap analysis and independent audit services against best practice guidelines, international standards, and WHS/IR compliance requirements.
- Integrated approach to workplace mental health
- Australian WHS and IR legal requirements
- ISO 45003 Psychological Health and Safety Strandard
Further Leader Support
Build the Business Case and Obtain Leader Support
Without understanding where you currently are, it’s impossible to plot a course to your desired destination. Get leaders on board with an independent review of current activities and recommended next steps.
- Leverage FlourishDx's experienced consultants
- Build a compelling business case
- Receive priority action recommendations
Gap Anaylsis Tools
Leverage Software Tools to Support Gap Analysis and Improvement Tracking
With tools that assist in understanding and visualising current state and improvements progress, FlourishDx can make gap analysis easier to complete and communicate to stakeholders.
- Mental health systems maturity tool
- ISO 45003 key actions tracking
- Benchmarking against integrated approach